This page has graphs showing the rates of certain opinions held by various demographic groups over time. All data are from the General Social Survey and were downloaded, analyzed, and visualized by Sara Sanders in January 2015. Not every question was asked in every year, so the range of time covered in these visualizations may differ.
Attitudes on Homosexuality
These graphs show the percent of each demographic group that answered the question, “…sexual relations between two adults of the same sex– do you think it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all?” with “not wrong at all.”
Attitudes on Discrimination
Discrimination Due to Racial Difference
These graphs show the percent of each demographic group that agreed that racial differences are mainly due to discrimination from 1988-2012.
Q: On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are….?
A: Mainly due to discrimination
Other Factors of Discrimination
The following graphs show the percent of demographic groups that believe there should not be laws against interracial marriage.
Q: Do you think there should be laws against marriages between (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) and whites?
A: No